How to fall asleep quickly

Simple ways to snooze off easily

Last Updated on 21 May 2021 | By Amanda Larsson

Sleep! Blessings that not all people are privileged to enjoy. According to statistics, 10-30% of people in the world suffer from difficulty sleeping or from insomnia.

The percentage in America alone is quite alarming – the American sleep association says that around 70% of Americans face sleeping issues. Luckily you can follow 18 incredible ways to fall asleep quickly and get rid of the problem.

A night of good sleep is the key to a successful and healthy life. You can enjoy all the small and big moments of life fully when you are healthy and fresh. But, on the other hand, lack of sleep means quite a lot of harmful effects on health conditions. It disturbs the body physically and mentally and affects work and social life too.

Nothing feels more annoying than spending more time trying to sleep than sleeping itself. You might feel defeated when you peak at a clock and realize it is already 3 am, and you have to get up at 6am. Not sleeping properly is enough of a problem, and thinking of the next day with a tired body will make you even more stressed.

When someone has insomnia, there is one solution “sleeping medication”. But medications are not a permanent solution, and the side effects of it are endless. So instead, its better to go for natural and scientifically approved methods which are effective long-term and permanent solutions for the problems.

A little effort like a consistent bedtime routine, gentle exercise, meditation, and avoiding screens as much as possible before sleeping can eliminate the issue.

There are different ways, and everyone can follow the same trick to fall asleep quickly. Therefore, we have gathered a list of 15 ways to to fall asleep quickly. So let’s get started:

1.  Consistent sleep cycle:

Our body needs a consistent sleep cycle to stay healthy. Unfortunately, one of the major issues with sleeping is inconsistent timings. Usually, on weekdays, we try to sleep 10 or 11, but we burst the routine and stay till late on weekends.

Inconsistent sleeping schedule can effect the circadian rhythm and lead to difficulty in falling asleep. Circadian rhythm is a behavioural cycle that our body follows. The primary function of circadian rhythm is to determine whether you are ready to sleep not. Getting sleep daily at a specific time makes your body clock/circadian predict when you will feel sleepy and have a good night’s sleep. 

2. Turn the lights off/on:

Many doctors suggest having complete darkness in your room to get a better good night’s sleep. Turning off the lights and have total darkness acts as a cue to circadian rhythm. It helps our brain to go in relaxation mode and judge that it is time to sleep. Keeping the room as much dark as possible can get you fall asleep quickly.

Every human body is different, and for few people, darkness is an issue to sleep. Some people have a phobia of the dark, and sleeping in the night keeps them stressed. If that’s the reason, keep a lamp on in your room to stay relaxed and sleep well.

3. Follow the sleeping patterns/methods:

If you have trouble sleeping, there are few patterns you can follow to sleep in ten seconds or a maximum of one minute. For instance, the ‘Military Method’.

The method was reported for the first time by Sharon in the book “Relax and Win: Championship Performance” and the book claims that military people follow it and fall sleep under a minute. Even with the noise of gun fire and after heavy consumption of coffee all day. The procedure is:

  • Relax your face and face muscles entirely, including muscles inside the mouth
  • Drop shoulders and lose your hands and let them drop to the side of your body.
  • Then exhale and relax your chest. Afterward, relax all your body parts like legs, calves, and thighs.
  • Clear your mind for ten seconds. Then, you can imagine a relaxing scene for it.
  • You can also count to ten or say do not think for ten times.

You will be sleeping in 10 seconds, guarantees!

4. Exercise:

Exercises have lots of benefits, and one of them is a good night’s sleep. One case study has reviewed that people who do work out in day time get better sleep at night. The study also found that participants took fewer sleeping medications when they started exercising.

A light exercise before sleeping can help you to get a sound sleep. You can also go for a walk or do yoga to sleep well for a clear mind and relaxed surroundings.

Breathing exercises at night time are pretty helpful also in getting a good night’s sleep. These are considered famous relaxing techniques. A deep breath exercise followed by a specific breathing pattern helps to de-stress and take away all the anxieties from your mind. It is a popular tool to get better sleep.

One of the most common breathing exercises is here for your guidance:

Sit in a relaxed position, take a breath in, and then hold it for a few seconds, around seven seconds at maximum. Afterward, exhale for the next eight seconds. The exercise promotes sleep with a deep and rhythmic breathing system.

5. Stay awake pattern:

When breathing exercise or military method is not working, you can try this pattern known as paradoxical intention. One of the patterns is called telling yourself you are staying awake. Let’s have a look at it:

When you lie down on your bed, say in your mind that you will be staying awake for more time. It will eventually make you fall asleep. People with insomnia have found this method quite effective. If you are worried about sleeping, the method will work eventually.

6. Count and visualize:

People with trouble sleeping can also follow this method. First, lose yourself get into a comfortable position, then count from one to ten with eyes closed. It helps to concentrate at one point, and you will feel sleepy instantly.

If the idea is not working, make your brain engaged in something more like imaging some scene or scenarios. Some people say that when we imagine something, we try to make it happen, and the trick helps positively to sleep well.

A study from Oxford University in 2002 said that people who are engaged in imaginative distraction before bedtime fall asleep faster than those who try other distractions with no instructions to follow.

Try to imagine with details like – imagine a waterfall with the sound of water rushing from the place, echoing, bird sounds, wind, and leaves. The key to imagining something is preventing your brain from thinking about worries and stress you faced all day or going to face the next day. Therefore, sooner you will feel relaxed and fall asleep quickly.

7. Do not sleep at day times:

Sometimes, any emergency or a baby who cries non-stop at night might keep you awake all night. The next day, eventually, you will be looking forward to taking a short nap in the daytime.

Many studies have suggested that people who sleep longer than two hours in the day have bad sleep quality than those who sleep less. Try to avoid it as much as possible or sleep for a maximum of an hour. If you have trouble sleeping at night, avoid day naps.

8. Avoid sugary foods:

Sugar and artificial sweeteners act as stimulators like caffeine. That is why; try to a=-void it, moreover, excessive intake of sugary foods also causes digestion issues, and you might feel discomfort while you sleep. According to some researches, lots of carbonated drinks and artificial sweeteners cause tiredness and laziness. You might feel tired even after sleeping for six or more hours.

9. Aromatherapy:

Aromatherapy has proven helpful for many people to sleep well. It reduces stress and anxiety and lets you get good and quality sleep at night. Lavender oil is one of the trendiest choices of many people these days. According to studies, around 31% of people who opt for aromatherapy had improvement in sleeping habits.

10. Change eating habits:

Eating just before bedtime or eating too early before you go to bed causes trouble sleeping. For instance, if you had a full meal one hour before bedtime, it is impossible for you to sleep like wise if you have not eaten at all after 5 pm; you will feel hungry and will not be able to sleep.

The digestion of a meal takes 2-3 hours, and sleeping right after food intake can cause nausea and discomfort. It is best to allow your body to digest food properly before you lie down. The time can vary from person to person but make sure there is a gap of two to three hours minimum..

11. Avoid caffeine:

Avoid caffeine, or in other words, do not drink anything which acts as stimulation for blood. Caffeine stimulates wakefulness, and it disturbs the sleeping patterns badly. You should avoid any energy drink, coffee, or tea at least four hours before your bedtime.

Many people reported that drinking coffee at day time affects their sleeping routine at night. Few people find it difficult to sleep at night when they have consumed two or more cups of coffee in the daytime. That is why try avoiding caffeine altogether or avoiding drinking before bedtime.

12. Meditate:

Meditation and praying for a few minutes are pretty helpful tips for people to sleep better at night. One of the significant causes of not sleeping well is stress and worries. When your mind is full of whole day issues and worried about the next day – then it is hard to sleep.

To get sound sleep, it is better to relax and keep your mind away from stress. Meditation is a great help to keep your mind relaxed and chilled. Mindfulness and meditation reduces anxiety, and you can sleep properly. Meditation is also known as a vital sleep helping method.

According to a few studies, mindfulness and meditation improves sleep quality for many people. You can also try yoga exercises for meditation, or if you are religious, try saying some prayers with closed eyes for a relaxed mind. You will soon get the best night’s sleep.

13. Listen or read:

Sometimes informative or leisure activities help to sleep well. For instance, a light reading or listening to soft music helps in sound sleep.

While reading the book, make sure that the book does not contain many emotional indulgences like thrill, mystery, or suspense. As it will make you think about what’s will happen next and you will not be able to sleep properly. Do not read e-books because the screen is not suitable before bedtime.

Likewise, do not choose loud music at sleeping time. Low tunes, melodies, and slow music will act like an adult lullaby, and you will be sleeping in no time. 

14. Bath and get relaxed:

When you are not having a good sleep lately – try to prepare for it with a relaxed mind. It means avoid screen, eat at the right time, do a little exercise. Moreover, take a hot or cold water shower. Taking a shower before sleeping makes you feel relaxed and wash away the stress of all day.

You will feel clean, and your mind will be cleared from many worries after taking a bath. Likewise, control the room temperature and make sure your room has all the features that help you sleep better. For instance:

The room should not be too hot or too cold – you will be disturbed at night with sudden coldness or warmth. Try to sleep in pin-drop silence for a relaxed mind. Control lightening as you like the most and keep your room door closed. A closed door provides mental satisfaction and safety, and you can sleep well.

15. Comfortable Mattress:

A comfortable bed ensures a good night’s sleep. A mattress plays a vital role in providing the best rest. When you are not having trouble sleeping, make sure that your mattress is not the reason. When the mattress is not good in quality, you will stay disturbed in your sleep. Likewise, you will also face back pain and body pain when the firmness is not suitable for your sleeping position.

If you face issues like back pain when you wake up or still feel tired after waking up that means it is time to change your mattress. A comfortable mattress and pillows add to the quality of sound sleep. 

Let’s wrap it up:

Sleeping for proper hours is crucial for healthy life and a happy lifestyle. By following these tips and techniques, you will be able to fall asleep quickly. Remember that a good night’s sleep is a key to a healthy mind and a healthy body.

Note: All content in this article are the views of the author and in no means should act as a replacement for professional advice from a medical professional or doctor.